Welcome to CLUNK - Computer Tech News

First let's put some names to the creators of this website as it's important for you to know we're real people. I'm Clunie and the captain of the ship so to speak, backed up in the best was possible by the other two members of our team Nora and Kavin. Now you know our names you might also be able to guess where our team name came from. Based on a combination of parts of our name we like to think we're something a little different, Maybe even alittle out of the ordinary. The actual meaning of the word 'clunk' has no relevance, it's quite simply a combination of our names that we thought sounded quite fun.
What are our plans with this website? Our aim is to provide our readers and followers with a one stop shop for all things relating to PC hardware, console news and reviews. Think of something relating to computers and we hope to be covering such topics. Our site will include news, reviews, guides and lots of interesting information. We've got to admit there are plenty of sites out there that run along a similar vein, but we aim to be something a little different.
We have no corporate backing and aren't an offshoot of a large corporation. We've got no axe to grind and aren't interested in lining our own pockets. We want to provide our followers with honest advice, brought to our audience in a more personal way.
To start the ball rolling we'll be looking at sports and computing. This is a favorite topic of mine in particular, as I've been an avid sports fan for many years. I like to keep abreast of all that's happening in the sporting world. And at the moment I'm an avid following of the eSports trend. Not quite good enough to participate in competitions myself, or close enough to attend the top venues. So I like to use the technology available to me to keep up to date. The first console we'll look at will be the Wii. We've all got one, so will be speaking from our own personal experiences.
We want you to enjoy reading what we've got to say and would love for you to stick around. Keep us as one of your favorites because our content will be updated and added to on a regular basis.